MS Graph: What’s New - Jan-12-2021

MS Graph: What’s New – Jan-12-2021

API Service Description
beta Identity and access
Added the microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource and associated methods.
Deprecated the passwordlessMicrosoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource and associated methods. Please use the new microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource
Added the windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod resource and associated methods.
Added the microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod resource and associated methods.
Updated authentication method permissions to reflect the ability of users to call the APIs on themselves and for admins to use app-only permissions on all authentication methods.
Updated password authentication method permissions to reflect the ability of users to call the APIs on themselves and for admins to use app-only permissions on all authentication methods.
Updated phone authentication method permissions to reflect the ability of users to call the APIs on themselves and for admins to use app-only permissions on all authentication methods.
Updated email authentication method permissions to reflect the ability of users to call the APIs on themselves and for admins to use app-only permissions on all authentication methods.
Updated passwordless Microsoft Authenticator authentication method permissions to reflect the ability of users to call the APIs on themselves and for admins to use app-only permissions on all authentication methods.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jan-12-2021