API | Service | Description |
beta | Reports |
Added the excludeRulesSatisfied property to the appliedConditionalAccessPolicy resource.
Added the includeRulesSatisfied property to the appliedConditionalAccessPolicy resource.
Added the displayName property to the appliedConditionalAccessPolicy resource.
Added the authenticationRequirementPolicies property to the signIn resource. This property provides details about the sources of authentication requirement, such as conditional access, per-user MFA, identity protection, and security defaults.
Added the crossTenantAccessType property to the signIn resource. Where the sign in crossed tenant boundaries, this resource describes the type of cross-tenant access for example, B2B Collaboration or B2B Direct Connect.
Added the flaggedForReview property to the signIn resource.
Added the homeTenantId property to the signIn resource.
Added the ipAddressFromResourceProvider property to the signIn resource.
Added the resourceTenantId property to the signIn resource.
Added the signInEventTypes property to the signIn resource.
Added the signInIdentifier property to the signIn resource.
Added the userType property to the signIn resource.
Added the signInUserType enumeration signIn resource.
Added the signInIdentifierType property to the signIn resource.
Added the autonomousSystemNumber property to the signIn resource.
Added the isTenantRestricted property to the signIn resource.
Added the privateLinkDetails property to the signIn resource.
Added the servicePrincipalCredentialKeyId property to the signIn resource. In service principal authentication and sign-ins, this property contains the unique identifier of the service principal key credential.
Added the servicePrincipalCredentialThumbprint property to the signIn resource. In service principal authentication and sign-ins, this property contains the certificate thumbprint of the service principal’s certificate.
Added the privateLinkDetails resource type.
Added the authenticationRequirementPolicy resource type. This resource provides the attributes of the policy that required MFA for sign in.
Changed the requirementProvider enumeration. Removed the current MFA, CA, and unknownFutureValue enumeration members and replaced them with new members. The new enumeration members provide a comprehensive list of possible Azure AD features that require MFA in the authenticationRequirementPolicy.
Added the conditionalAccessRuleSatisfied resource type. This resource provides the attributes related to applied conditional access policy or policies that are triggered by the corresponding sign-in activity.
Added the deviceFilterIncludeRuleNotMatched member to the conditionalAccessRule enumeration.
Added the allDeviceStates member to the conditionalAccessRule enumeration.
Added the signInAccessType enumeration type.
Added the servicePrincipals member to the conditionalAccessConditions enumeration.
Added the servicePrincipalRisk member to the conditionalAccessConditions enumeration.
Deprecated the mfaDetail property on the signIn resource.
Source: Microsoft
Published: Dec-28-2021