MS Graph: What’s New – Jan-19-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Jan-19-2022

API Service Description
beta Identity and access
Added the userSignInRecommendationScope enumeration type.
Added the accessReviewRecommendationInsightSetting resource type. This is an abstract type that exposes resources for configuring the type of insights to provide to reviewers and access review decision-makers.
Added the recommendationInsightSettings property to accessReviewScheduleSettings resource. Use this property to configure insights that aid reviewers of an access review to make decisions.
Added the userLastSignInRecommendationInsightSetting resource type. Use this type to configure insight settings based on the user’s last sign-in date and time into a tenant or application.
Added the insights navigation property to the accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem resource.
Added the governanceInsight resource. This is an abstract type that exposes resources for configuring the type of insights to provide to decision-makers in an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem.
Added the userSignInInsight resource. Use this type to configure insights for an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem based on the user’s last sign-in date and time.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jan-19-2022