MS Graph: What’s New - Feb-09-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Feb-09-2022

API Service Description
beta Identity and access
Added the servicePrincipal member to the activityType enumeration.
Added the adminConfirmedServicePrincipalCompromised member to the riskDetail enumeration.
Added the adminDismissedAllRiskForServicePrincipal member to the riskDetail enumeration.
Added the riskServicePrincipalActivity resource. Represents the risk activity of an Azure AD service principal as determined by Azure AD Identity Protection.
Added the riskyServicePrincipal resource and related methods. Use this API to access all at-risk service principals in your Azure AD tenant.
Added the servicePrincipalRiskDetection resource and related methods. Use this API to access all service principal risk detections in your Azure AD environment.
Added the riskyServicePrincipals navigation property to the identityProtectionRoot resource.
Added the servicePrincipalRiskDetections navigation property to the identityProtectionRoot resource.
Added the riskyServicePrincipalHistoryItem resource and related methods. Use this API to retrieve the risk history of an Azure AD service principal as determined by Azure AD Identity Protection.
Added the confirmCompromised method to the riskyServicePrincipal resource.
Added the dismiss method to the riskyServicePrincipal resource.
Added the servicePrincipalRiskLevels property to the conditionalAccessConditionSet resource. Administrators can use this property to set a risk-based policy for service principals in their Azure AD tenant.
Added support for the service principals risk-based delegated and application permissions of IdentityRiskyServicePrincipal.Read.All to the read operations of Azure AD identity protection APIs.
Added support for the service principals risk-based delegated and application permissions of IdentityRiskyServicePrincipal.ReadWrite.All to the read and write operations of Azure AD identity protection APIs.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Feb-09-2022