MS Graph: What’s New - Apr-28-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Apr-28-2022

API Service Description
v1.0 External data connections
Added support for the application permission ExternalConnection.Read.All to the externalConnection resource.
Added support for the application permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.All to the externalConnection resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.Read.All to the externalConnection resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.All to the externalConnection resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.OwnedBy to the externalConnection resource.
Added support for the application permission ExternalConnection.Read.All to the schema resource.
Added support for the application permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.All to the schema resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.Read.All to the schema resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.All to the schema resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.OwnedBy to the schema resource.
Added support for the application permission ExternalItem.Read.All to the externalItem resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.Read.All to the externalItem resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.All to the externalItem resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy to the externalItem resource.
Added support for the application permission ExternalItem.Read.All to the externalGroup resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.Read.All to the externalGroup resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.All to the externalGroup resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy to the externalGroup resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.All to the identity resource.
Added support for the delegated permission ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy to the identity resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Apr-28-2022