MS Graph: What’s New - Feb-01-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Feb-01-2020

API Service Description
beta Device and app management
Added new entities: macOSMdatpApp, unsupportedGroupPolicyExtension, userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcess, userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcessPerformance,
Added new complex types: customUpdateTimeWindow, iosAvailableUpdateVersion, managedDeviceSummarizedAppState,
Added the updateGlobalScript action on deviceHealthScript
Added the getGlobalScriptHighestAvailableVersion action on deviceHealthScript
Added the enableGlobalScripts action on deviceHealthScript collection
Added the areGlobalScriptsAvailable function on deviceHealthScript collection
Removed the following enum types: logLevel,
Added the certificateSerialNumber property to the applePushNotificationCertificate entity
Added the isGlobalScript and highestAvailableVersion properties to the deviceHealthScript entity
Added the hasRequiredSetting property to the deviceManagementSettingCategory entity
Added the sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification, enrollmentAvailability and roleScopeTagIds properties to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
Added the updateScheduleType and customUpdateTimeWindows properties to the iosUpdateConfiguration entity
Added the appActionIfUnableToAuthenticateUser property to the managedAppProtection entity
Added the userPrincipalName property to the termsAndConditionsAcceptanceStatus entity
Added the responsiveDesktopTimeInMs property to the userExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance entity
Added the responsiveDesktopTimeInMs property to the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory entity
Added the installLanguage property to the win32LobApp entity
Added the displayLanguageLocale property to the windowsMicrosoftEdgeApp entity
Added the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcesses, userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcessPerformance and userExperienceAnalyticsStartupScoreHistory navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
Added the unsupportedGroupPolicyExtensions navigation property to the groupPolicyMigrationReport entity
Added the configMgrDeviceCount property to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type
Added the roleScopeTagIds, sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification and enrollmentAvailability properties to the intuneBrand complex type
Added the troubleshootingErrorDetails property to the mobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem complex type
Added the xTec member to the deviceManagementDerivedCredentialIssuer enum type
Added the windows10x member to the deviceType enum type
Added the windowsManagementCloudApi member to the managementAgentType enum type

Source: Microsoft

Published: Feb-01-2020