Added the printMargin complex type.
Renamed enum types:
- printPresentationDirection -> printMultipageLayout
- printDuplexConfiguration -> printDuplexMode
- printColorConfiguration -> printColorMode
- documentConfiguration -> configuration
Renamed printFinishing enum values:
- edgeStitch -> stitchEdge
- edgeStitchLeft -> stitchLeftEdge
- edgeStitchTop -> stitchTopEdge
- edgeStitchRight -> stitchRightEdge
- edgeStitchBottom -> stitchBottomEdge
Renamed properties on the integerRange complex type:
- minimum -> start
- maximum -> end
Renamed properties on the printDocument entity type:
- name -> displayName
- mimeType -> contentType
- sizeInBytes -> size
- documentConfiguration -> configuration
Renamed properties on the printerCapabilities complex type:
- supportedDocumentMimeTypes -> contentTypes
- supportedPrintQualities -> qualities
- supportedDuplexConfigurations -> duplexModes
- supportedCopiesPerJob -> copiesPerJob
- supportedFinishings -> finishings
- supportedMediaColors -> mediaColors
- supportedMediaTypes -> mediaTypes
- supportedMediaSizes -> mediaSizes
- supportedPagesPerSheet -> pagesPerSheet
- supportedOrientations -> orientations
- supportedOutputBins -> outputBins
- supportedPresentationDirections -> multipageLayouts
- supportedColorConfigurations -> colorModes
Added properties to the printerCapabilities complex type:
- feedDirections
- isPageRangeSupported
- dpis
- queueBufferSizeInBytes
- inputBins
- topMargins
- bottomMargins
- rightMargins
- leftMargins
- collation
- scalings
Renamed properties on the printerDefaults complex type:
- documentMimeType -> contentType
- pdfFitToPage -> fitPdfToPage
- presentationDirection -> multipageLayout
- printColorConfiguration -> colorMode
- printQuality -> quality
- duplexConfiguration -> duplexMode
Added properties to the printerDefaults complex type:
Changed the type of the pageRanges property on the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type from printPageRange to integerRange
Renamed properties on the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type:
- printQuality -> quality
- printResolutionInDpi -> dpi
- duplexConfiguration -> duplexMode
- colorConfiguration -> colorMode
Added properties to the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type:
- inputBin
- outputBin
- mediaSize
- margin
- mediaType
- finishings
- pagesPerSheet
- multipageLayout
- collate
- scaling
The Update printer method now supports application permissions and IPP encoding.
Added support for $expand=documents in the List jobs method.
Added the create action bound to the printer entity to enable registration of printers via Microsoft Graph.
Added new complex types:
- printCertificateSigningRequest