MS Graph: What’s New - Apr-16-2021

MS Graph: What’s New – Apr-16-2021

API Service Description
v1.0 Identity and access
Added the operation availableProviderTypes to list the available identity providers available for use in an Azure Active Directory tenant.
Added the authenticationFlowsPolicy resource type.
Added the identityUserFlow base resource type.
Added the b2xIdentityUserFlow resource type.
Added the identityUserFlowAttribute resource type.
Added the identityBuiltInUserFlowAttribute resource type.
Added the identityCustomUserFlowAttribute resource type.
Added the identityUserFlowAttributeAssignment resource type.
Added the userAttributeValuesItem resource type.
Added the assignmentorder resource type that represents the order that attributes should be collected within a user flow during sign-up.
Added the operations getOrder and setOrder that get the current order of attributes being collected or to set a new order for attributes to be collected during sign-up.
Added the identityApiConnector resource type.
Added the apiAuthenticationConfigurationBase entity for authentication configuration used to call web APIs.
Added the basicAuthentication entity that extends apiAuthenticationConfigurationBase for HTTP Basic authentication of web API calls.
Added the userFlowApiConnectorConfiguration entity for managing API connectors used by an External Identities self-service sign-up user flow.
Added the pkcs12Certificate complex type that extends apiAuthenticationConfigurationBase for HTTP client certificate authentication of API connector API calls.
Added the pkcs12CertificateInformation resource type that represents the public information of a PKCS12 (.pfx) certificate.
Added the clientCertificateAuthentication complex type that extends apiAuthenticationConfigurationBase which represents a collection of certificates used for HTTP client certificate authentication of API connector API calls.
Added the operation uploadClientCertificate to upload a client certificate (.pfx) to an API connector configuration.
Added the userFlowLanguageConfiguration resource type.
Added the userFlowLanguagePage resource type that defines the language defaults and customizations within a user flow in an Azure Active Directory tenant.
Added the userFlowType enumeration type.
Added the identityUserFlowAttributeInputType enumeration type.
Added the identityUserFlowAttributeType enumeration type.
Added the identityUserFlowAttributeDataType enumeration type.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Apr-16-2021