MS Graph: What’s New - Mar-22-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Mar-22-2022

API Service Description
beta Security
Removed the payloadSource enumeration type.
Added the simulationAutomationRunStatus enumeration type.
Added the simulationAutomationStatus enumeration type.
Added the running member to the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the inProgress member from the simulationStatus enumeration.
Added the succeeded member to the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the completed member from the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the partiallyCompleted member from the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the deleted member from the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the included member from the simulationStatus enumeration.
Removed the trainingAssignmentPreference enumeration type.
Removed the trainingContentPreference enumeration type.
Added the simulationAutomations relationship to the attackSimulationRoot resource.
Added the automationId property to the simulation resource.
Removed the cleanupArtifacts property from the simulation resource.
Removed the enableRegionTimezoneDelivery property from the simulation resource.
Removed the includeAllAccountTargets property from the simulation resource.
Removed the payloadSource property from the simulation resource.
Removed the trainingAssignmentPreference property from the simulation resource.
Removed the trainingContentPreference property from the simulation resource.
Removed the trainingDueDateTime property from the simulation resource.
Added the simulationAutomation resource type and a supported list method.
Added the simulationAutomationRun resource type and a supported list method.
Removed the notCompleted member from the trainingStatus enumeration. This member is not used.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Mar-22-2022