MS Graph: What’s New - Jul-25-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-25-2022

API Service Description
beta Device and app management
Added the officeSuiteDefaultFileFormatType enumeration type.
Added the officeSuiteAppDefaultFileFormat property to the officeSuiteApp resource.
Added the androidDeviceOwnerCertificateAccessType enumeration type.
Added the confirmRetire member to the scheduledRetireState enumeration.
Removed the comfirmRetire member from the scheduledRetireState enumeration.
Added the vpnOnDemandRuleInterfaceTypeMatch enumeration type.
Added the androidDeviceOwnerSilentCertificateAccess resource type.
Added the dnsServerAddressMatch property to the vpnOnDemandRule resource.
Added the interfaceTypeMatch property to the vpnOnDemandRule resource.
Added the certificateAccessType property to the androidDeviceOwnerDerivedCredentialAuthenticationConfiguration resource.
Added the silentCertificateAccessDetails property to the androidDeviceOwnerDerivedCredentialAuthenticationConfiguration resource.
Added the certificateAccessType property to the androidDeviceOwnerImportedPFXCertificateProfile resource.
Added the silentCertificateAccessDetails property to the androidDeviceOwnerImportedPFXCertificateProfile resource.
Added the certificateAccessType property to the androidDeviceOwnerPkcsCertificateProfile resource.
Added the silentCertificateAccessDetails property to the androidDeviceOwnerPkcsCertificateProfile resource.
Added the certificateAccessType property to the androidDeviceOwnerScepCertificateProfile resource.
Added the silentCertificateAccessDetails property to the androidDeviceOwnerScepCertificateProfile resource.
Added the connectorVersion property to the ndesConnector resource.
Added the enrolledDateTime property to the ndesConnector resource.
Added the machineName property to the ndesConnector resource.
Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the ndesConnector resource.
Added the notificationTemplates property to the deviceEnrollmentNotificationConfiguration resource.
Added the powerliftDownloadRequest resource type.
Added the powerliftIncidentMetadata resource type.
Added the downloadAppDiagnostics method to the managedDevice resource.
Added the appDiagnostics method to the managedDevice resource.
Removed the windowsDomainJoinConfiguration resource type.
Added the displayName property to the androidFotaDeploymentAssignment resource.
Added the description property to the zebraFotaArtifact resource.
Added the groupPolicyConfigurationIngestionType enumeration type.
Added the ingestionSource enumeration type.
Added the ingestionSource property to the groupPolicyCategory resource.
Added the policyConfigurationIngestionType property to the groupPolicyConfiguration resource.
Added the groupPolicyUploadedPresentation resource
Added the enableCertificatePinning property to the microsoftTunnelSite resource.
Added the json member to the deviceManagementReportFileFormat enumeration.
Removed the pdf member from the deviceManagementReportFileFormat enumeration.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jul-25-2022