MS Graph: What’s New - Oct-12-2022

MS Graph: What’s New – Oct-12-2022

API Service Description
v1.0 Identity and access
Added the x509CertificateAuthenticationMode enumeration type.
Added the x509CertificateRuleType enumeration type.
Added the x509CertificateAuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource type and its associated methods. This resource represents the details of the Azure AD native Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA) in the tenant including whether the authentication method is enabled or disabled and the users and groups who are in scope for the auth method.
Added the x509CertificateRule resource type. Use this resource to define the custom authentication configuration rules for the X.509 certificate.
Added the x509CertificateUserBinding resource type. Use this resource to map the fields in the X.509 certificate to attributes of the Azure AD user object in order to bind the certificate to the user account.
Added the x509CertificateAuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource type and its associated methods. This resource represents the details of the Azure AD native Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA) in the tenant including whether the authentication method is enabled or disabled and the users and groups who are in scope for the auth method.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Oct-12-2022