API | Service | Description |
beta | Identity and access |
Added the authenticationEventListeners relationship to the identityContainer resource.
Added the customAuthenticationExtensions relationship to the identityContainer resource.
Added the customAuthenticationExtension resource. Use this resource and its associated methods to manage configurations to systems that are external to Azure AD, such as databases and APIs. The data from these external systems can be used to customize the Azure AD authentication experience for users.
Added the authenticationEventListener resource. Use this resource and its associated methods to manage the listeners and handlers that trigger the execution of custom logic during the Azure AD authentication experience
Added the authenticationConditions resource.
Added the authenticationConditionsApplications resource.
Added the authenticationConfigurationValidation resource.
Added the httpRequestEndpoint resource.
Added the onTokenIssuanceStartCustomExtensionHandler resource.
Added the onTokenIssuanceStartHandler resource.
Added the onTokenIssuanceStartReturnClaim resource.
Added the authenticationConditionApplication resource.
Added the onTokenIssuanceStartCustomExtension resource.
Added the onTokenIssuanceStartListener resource.
Added the validateAuthenticationConfiguration method to the resource.
Added the validateAuthenticationConfiguration method to the customAuthenticationExtensions resource.
Source: Microsoft
Published: May-15-2023