MS Graph: What’s New - Jul-22-2023

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-22-2023

API Service Description
beta Education
Deprecated the educationUserRole enumeration type.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationProfileState enumeration type.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationStatus enumeration type.
Deprecated the educationCsvDataProvider resource.
Deprecated the educationIdentityDomain resource.
Deprecated the educationIdentityMatchingOptions resource.
Deprecated the educationOneRosterApiDataProvider resource.
Deprecated the educationPowerSchoolDataProvider resource.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationCustomization resource.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationDataProvider resource.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationError resource and a supported method.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationProfile resource along with its supported methods and operations.
Deprecated the educationSynchronizationProfileStatus resource and a supported method.
Deprecated the synchronizationProfiles relationship on the educationRoot resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jul-22-2023