MS Graph: What’s New - Oct-16-2023

MS Graph: What’s New – Oct-16-2023

API Service Description
v1.0 Compliance
Added the approval member to the subjectRightsRequestStage enumeration.
Changed the URL path from /privacy to /security in the following operations of the subjectRightsRequest resource: LIST, POST, GET, UPDATE, getFinalAttachment, and getFinalReport. The /privacy path is deprecated and will stop returning data on March 30, 2025.
Changed the URL path from /privacy to /security in the following operations of the authoredNote resource: LIST and POST. The /privacy path is deprecated and will stop returning data on March 30, 2025.
Added the subjectRightsRequestAllSiteLocation resource type.
Added the subjectRightsRequestMailboxLocation resource type.
Added the subjectRightsRequestSiteLocation resource type.
Added the contentQuery property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the externalId property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the includeAllVersions property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the includeAuthoredContent property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the mailboxLocations property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the pauseAfterEstimate property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the siteLocations property to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the approvers relationship to the subjectRightsRequest resource.
Added the collaborators relationship to the subjectRightsRequest resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Oct-16-2023