MS Graph: What’s New - Nov-16-2023

MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-16-2023

API Service Description
beta Identity and access
Added the authorizationSystem resource and its associated methods. This object represents authorization systems onboarded to Microsoft Entra Permissions Management.
Added the awsAuthorizationSystem resource and its associated methods.
Added the azureAuthorizationSystem resource and its associated methods.
Added the gcpAuthorizationSystem resource and its associated methods.
Added the dataCollectionStatus enumeration type.
Added the permissionsModificationCapability enumeration type.
Added the entitlementsDataCollection resource type.
Added the entitlementsDataCollectionInfo resource type.
Added the noEntitlementsDataCollection resource type.
Added the dataCollectionInfo resource.
Added the authorizationSystems relationship to the external resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Nov-16-2023