MS Graph: What’s New - Jun-20-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Jun-20-2024

API Service Description
beta Device and app management
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the retrieveWin32CatalogAppsUpdateReport method to the deviceManagementReports resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the greaterThan member to the assignmentFilterOperator enumeration.
Added the greaterThanOrEquals member to the assignmentFilterOperator enumeration.
Added the lessThan member to the assignmentFilterOperator enumeration.
Added the lessThanOrEquals member to the assignmentFilterOperator enumeration.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the rsa2048 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the rsa3072 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the rsa4096 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the eCP256 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the eCP256k member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the eCP384 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the eCP521 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration.
Added the sha256 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration.
Added the sha384 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration.
Added the sha512 member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityKeyPlatformType enumeration.
Added the software member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityKeyPlatformType enumeration.
Added the hardwareSecurityModule member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityKeyPlatformType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityKeyPlatformType enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration.
Added the active member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration.
Added the revoked member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration.
Added the expired member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityStatus enumeration.
Added the active member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityStatus enumeration.
Added the signingPending member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityStatus enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration.
Added the rootCertificationAuthority member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration.
Added the issuingCertificationAuthority member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration.
Added the issuingCertificationAuthorityWithExternalRoot member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSImportedPFXCertificateProfile resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSPkcsCertificateProfile resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSScepCertificateProfile resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSTrustedRootCertificate resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSVpnConfiguration resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSWiFiConfiguration resource.
Added the deploymentChannel property to the macOSWiredNetworkConfiguration resource.
Added the enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTargetType enumeration type.
Added the enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the setEnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget method to the deviceManagementConfigurationPolicy resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the deviceAssignmentItemIntent enumeration type.
Added the remove member to the deviceAssignmentItemIntent enumeration.
Added the restore member to the deviceAssignmentItemIntent enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceAssignmentItemIntent enumeration.
Added the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration type.
Added the initiated member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the inProgress member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the removed member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the error member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the succeeded member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceAssignmentItemStatus enumeration.
Added the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration type.
Added the application member to the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration.
Added the deviceConfiguration member to the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration.
Added the deviceManagementConfigurationPolicy member to the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration.
Added the mobileAppConfiguration member to the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceAssignmentItemType enumeration.
Added the created member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the notified member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the pending member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the timedOut member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the internalServiceError member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the successful member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the failed member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceQueryResultStatus enumeration.
Added the changeAssignmentsActionResult resource.
Added the deviceAssignmentItem resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the bulkDeviceActionId property to the remoteActionAudit resource.
Added the deviceManufacturerName property to the userExperienceAnalyticsBatteryHealthDevicePerformance resource.
Added the deviceModelName property to the userExperienceAnalyticsBatteryHealthDevicePerformance resource.
Added the deviceManufacturerName property to the userExperienceAnalyticsBatteryHealthModelPerformance resource.
Added the deviceModelName property to the userExperienceAnalyticsBatteryHealthModelPerformance resource.
Added the changeAssignments method to the changeAssignments resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the ipv6Network property to the microsoftTunnelConfiguration resource.
Added the managedDeviceArchitecture enumeration type.
Added the managedDeviceWindowsOperatingSystemEditionType enumeration type.
Added the managedDeviceWindowsOperatingSystemEdition resource.
Added the managedDeviceWindowsOperatingSystemUpdate resource.
Added the deviceManagement resource.
Added the managedDeviceWindowsOperatingSystemImage resource.
Added the getAllManagedDeviceWindowsOSImages method to the managedDeviceWindowsOperatingSystemImage resource.
Added the weeklyOnce member to the organizationalMessageFrequency enumeration.
Added the monthlyOnce member to the organizationalMessageFrequency enumeration.
Added the monthlyTwice member to the organizationalMessageFrequency enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageFrequency enumeration.
Added the png member to the organizationalMessageLogoType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageLogoType enumeration.
Added the default member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the card0 member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the card1 member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the card2 member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the card3 member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessagePlacement enumeration.
Added the onboarding member to the organizationalMessageScenario enumeration.
Added the lifecycle member to the organizationalMessageScenario enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageScenario enumeration.
Added the scheduled member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the active member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the completed member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the cancelled member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the failed member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the pending member to the organizationalMessageStatus enumeration.
Added the actionCenter member to the organizationalMessageSurface enumeration.
Added the getStarted member to the organizationalMessageSurface enumeration.
Added the softLanding member to the organizationalMessageSurface enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageSurface enumeration.
Added the aadGroup member to the organizationalMessageTargetingType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageTargetingType enumeration.
Added the update member to the organizationalMessageTheme enumeration.
Added the training member to the organizationalMessageTheme enumeration.
Added the welcomeToWindows member to the organizationalMessageTheme enumeration.
Added the explore member to the organizationalMessageTheme enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalMessageTheme enumeration.
Added the organizationalMessageFeatureOnboarding property to the deviceManagement resource.
Removed the androidEnterprise member from the platformType enumeration.
Added the linux member to the platformType enumeration.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the viewScreen member to the allowedRemoteAssistanceActions enumeration.
Added the takeFullControl member to the allowedRemoteAssistanceActions enumeration.
Added the elevation member to the allowedRemoteAssistanceActions enumeration.
Added the unattended member to the allowedRemoteAssistanceActions enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the allowedRemoteAssistanceActions enumeration.
Added the viewOnly member to the remoteAssistanceSessionType enumeration.
Added the fullControl member to the remoteAssistanceSessionType enumeration.
Added the elevation member to the remoteAssistanceSessionType enumeration.
Added the unattended member to the remoteAssistanceSessionType enumeration.
Added the deviceId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the endDateTime property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperDeviceAadId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperDeviceName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperEmail property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperEnrollmentState property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperFirstName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperLastName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperOs property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperTenantId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the helperUserId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the id property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the remoteAssistanceSessionType property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerDeviceAadId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerDeviceName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerDeviceSerialNumber property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerEmail property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerEnrollmentState property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerFirstName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerLastName property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerOs property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the sharerTenantId property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the startDateTime property to the remoteAssistanceReporting resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the entraObjectId property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.
Added the targetType property to the scopeTagGroupAssignmentTarget resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jun-20-2024