MS Graph: What’s New - Jul-08-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-08-2024

API Service Description
beta Security
Added the beingAnalyzed member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the notSubmittedToMicrosoft member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the phishingSimulation member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the allowedDueToOrganizationOverride member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the blockedDueToOrganizationOverride member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the allowedDueToUserOverride member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the blockedDueToUserOverride member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the itemNotfound member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the threatsFound member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the noThreatsFound member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the domainImpersonation member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the userImpersonation member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the brandImpersonation member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the authenticationFailure member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the spoofedBlocked member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the spoofedAllowed member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the reasonLostInTransit member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the bulk member to the submissionResultCategory enumeration.
Added the willNotifyOnceDone member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the checkUserReportedSettings member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the partOfEducationCampaign member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the allowedByAdvancedDelivery member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the allowedByEnhancedFiltering member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemDeleted member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemFoundClean member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemFoundMalicious member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the unableToMakeDecision member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the domainResembledYourOrganization member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the endUserBeingImpersonated member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the associatedWithBrand member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the senderFailedAuthentication member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the endUserBeingSpoofed member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemFoundBulk member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemNotReceivedByService member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.
Added the itemFoundSpam member to the submissionResultDetail enumeration.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jul-08-2024