MS Graph: What’s New – Sep-25-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Sep-25-2024

API Service Description
beta Device and app management
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the clearEnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget method.
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the retrieveEnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget method.
Removed the resource.
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the setEnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget method.
Added the enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTargets parameter to the setEnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget method.
Removed the resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Removed the hardwareConfiguration member from the associatedAssignmentPayloadType enumeration.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityCertificateKeySize enumeration type.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityHashingAlgorithm enumeration type.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificateStatus enumeration type.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityStatus enumeration type.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityType enumeration type.
Added the trustChainCertificate resource.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the cloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificate resource.
Added the changeCloudCertificationAuthorityStatus method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the getAllCloudCertificationAuthority method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the getAllCloudCertificationAuthorityLeafCertificates method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the getCloudCertificationAuthority method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the patchCloudCertificationAuthority method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the postCloudCertificationAuthority method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the revokeCloudCertificationAuthorityCertificate method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the revokeLeafCertificate method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the uploadExternallySignedCertificationAuthorityCertificate method to the cloudCertificationAuthority resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the androidEnterprise member to the deviceManagementConfigurationPlatforms enumeration.
Added the aosp member to the deviceManagementConfigurationPlatforms enumeration.
Added the allowed member to the organizationalUnitAssignmentOverride enumeration.
Added the denied member to the organizationalUnitAssignmentOverride enumeration.
Added the unknown member to the organizationalUnitAssignmentOverride enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the organizationalUnitAssignmentOverride enumeration.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the target property to the deviceManagementConfigurationJustInTimeAssignmentPolicy resource.
Added the targetType property to the deviceManagementConfigurationJustInTimeAssignmentPolicy resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the appleAccountDrivenUserEnrollment member to the deviceEnrollmentType enumeration.
Added the powerliftAppDiagnosticDownloadRequest resource.
Added the powerliftIncidentDetail resource.
Added the downloadPowerliftAppDiagnostic method to the managedDevice resource.
Added the retrievePowerliftAppDiagnosticsDetails method to the managedDevice resource.
Added the androidEnterprise member to the deviceManagementConfigurationPlatforms enumeration.
Added the aosp member to the deviceManagementConfigurationPlatforms enumeration.
Added the bool member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the datetime member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the decimal member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the dynamic member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the guid member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the int member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the long member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the real member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the string member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the timespan member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceInventoryAttributeType enumeration.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the created member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the submitted member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the inProgress member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the timedOut member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the failed member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the completed member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the unknownFutureValue member to the deviceInventoryQueryRequestStatus enumeration.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the Org.OData.Core.V1.Description resource.
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the cancel method.
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the initiateQuery method.
Added the query parameter to the initiateQuery method.
Removed the resource.
Added the bindingParameter parameter to the retrieveResults method.
Added the skip parameter to the retrieveResults method.
Removed the resource.
Added the retrieveSecurityTaskAppsReport method to the deviceManagementReports resource.
Added the appleAccountDrivenUserEnrollment member to the deviceEnrollmentType enumeration.
Added the deviceManagementScriptRunState enumeration type.
Removed the devicePreparationDuration property from the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource.
Removed the targetedAppCount property from the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource.
Removed the targetedPolicyCount property from the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource.
Added the userId property to the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource.
Removed the policyStatusDetails relationship from the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource.
Added the retrieveAssignedApplicationsReport method to the deviceManagementReports resource.
Removed the retrieveAssignedApplicationsReport method from the deviceManagementReports resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Sep-25-2024

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