Transient Availability Degradation

Transient Availability Degradation

Final updateDevashish Salgaonkar, 11/16/2024 11:08:12 AM The issue is now fully mitigated. Issue seems to be stemming from brief SQL maintenance. Our engineers will be investigating this further to learn from and reduce the risk of potential recurrences. We apologize…
MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-15-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-15-2024

API Service Description beta Device and app management Change the deprecation date of bulkRestoreCloudPc method. Change the deprecation date of bulkresize method. Change the deprecation date of bulkrestorecloudpc method. Change the deprecation date of getcloudpcremoteactionresults method. Change the deprecation date…
MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-14-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-14-2024

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the certificateAuthorityType enumeration type. Added the certificateAuthorityDetail resource. Added the certificateBasedAuthPki resource. Added the publicKeyInfrastructure relationship to the directory resource. Added the publicKeyInfrastructureRoot resource. Added the upload method to the certificateBasedAuthPki resource.…
MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-14-2024

MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-14-2024

API Service Description v1.0 Security Added the active member to the evidenceRemediationStatus enumeration. Added the pendingApproval member to the evidenceRemediationStatus enumeration. Added the declined member to the evidenceRemediationStatus enumeration. Added the unremediated member to the evidenceRemediationStatus enumeration. Added the running…
Microsoft Viva Amplify and Microsoft SharePoint: New required footers will be automatically applied to email [MC933529]

Microsoft Viva Amplify and Microsoft SharePoint: New required footers will be automatically applied to email [MC933529]

Message ID: MC933529 Email sent from Microsoft Viva Amplify and from Microsoft SharePoint when SharePoint News posts are shared will contain a new required footer. Effective immediately, we will add this footer to all email sent from these products. [When…