MS Graph: What’s New - Jan-28-2025

MS Graph: What’s New – Jan-28-2025

API Service Description
v1.0 Teamwork and communications
Added the meetingLiveShareOptions enumeration type.
Added the allowBreakoutRooms property to the onlineMeetingBase resource.
Added the allowLiveShare property to the onlineMeetingBase resource.
Added the allowPowerPointSharing property to the onlineMeetingBase resource.
Added the allowWhiteboard property to the onlineMeetingBase resource.
Added the allowBreakoutRooms property to the onlineMeeting resource.
Added the allowLiveShare property to the onlineMeeting resource.
Added the allowPowerPointSharing property to the onlineMeeting resource.
Added the allowWhiteboard property to the onlineMeeting resource.
Added the allowBreakoutRooms property to the virtualEventSession resource.
Added the allowLiveShare property to the virtualEventSession resource.
Added the allowPowerPointSharing property to the virtualEventSession resource.
Added the allowWhiteboard property to the virtualEventSession resource.

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jan-28-2025