MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

API Service Description v1.0 Identity and access Added new entity types: conditionalAccessPolicy, Added new complex types: conditionalAccessSessionControl, applicationEnforcedRestrictionsSessionControl, cloudAppSecuritySessionControl, signInFrequencySessionControl, persistentBrowserSessionControl, conditionalAccessSessionControls, conditionalAccessApplications, conditionalAccessUsers, conditionalAccessPlatforms, conditionalAccessLocations, conditionalAccessConditionSet, conditionalAccessGrantControls, Added the namedLocation API, which represents named locations in Azure AD conditional…
MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the userRiskLevels property to the conditionalaccessconditionset entity. Added the passwordChange grant control to the conditionalaccessgrantcontrols entity. Added the openIDConnectProvider complex type, availableprovidertypes method and claimsMapping property. Updated the identityProvider entity and the…
MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Jul-01-2020

API Service Description v1.0 Identity and access Added the getAvailableExtensionProperties method to the directoryObject resource. Added the following operations to devices: Delete registered owner, Delete registered user Added the assignedLabels, expirationDateTime, membershipRule, membershipRuleProcessingState, preferredLanguage, and theme properties to the group…