MS Graph: What’s New - Jun-01-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Jun-01-2020

API Service Description
beta Identity and access
Removed the isGuest property from the riskyUser resource.
Added the onPremisesPublishing entity.
Added the kerberosSignOnSettings entity.
Changed in the onPremisesAgent, onPremisesAgentGroup, and publishedResource entity the publishingType value from appProxy to applicationProxy.
Added the isEnabled property to the onPremisesPublishingProfile entity.
Added connector and connectorGroup as navigation property to the OnPremisesPublishingProfile entity.
Added the onPremisesPublishing property to [application]( entity.
Added the OnPremisesPublishing property to Update Application.
Added the synchronizationJobSubject resource type
Added the provisionOnDemand method to the synchronizationJob resource

Source: Microsoft

Published: Jun-01-2020