MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-17-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-17-2020

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the new accessPackageAnswer complex type, including two subtypes accessPackageAnswerChoice and accessPackageAnswerString. Added the new accessPackageQuestion complex type, including two subtypes accessPackageMultipleChoiceQuestion and accessPackageTextInputQuestion. Added the new accessPackageLocalizedContent complex type. Added the new…
MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-15-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-15-2020

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the includeDevices property to the conditionalAccessDevices resource. Added the excludeDevices property to the conditionalAccessDevices resource. Deprecated the includeDeviceStates property on the conditionalAccessDevices resource Deprecated the excludeDeviceStates property on the conditionalAccessDevices resource Source:…
MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-03-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Dec-03-2020

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the identityApiConnector object which represents configuration used to call web APIs. Added methods for listing, getting, creating, updating, and deleting API connectors. Added the apiAuthenticationConfigurationBase entity for authentication configuration used to call…
MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-11-2020

MS Graph: What’s New – Nov-11-2020

API Service Description beta Identity and access Added the organizationalBrandingProperties resource type and associated methods, which allow for the customization of the visual look and feel of sign-in screens. Added the accessReviewApplyAction resource type. Added the accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem resource type. Added…