
Microsoft Viva: Changes to Viva Insights metrics and default report pages for leaders [MC891236]

Coming soon to Microsoft Viva Insights: To enhance reliability and performance, we are transitioning to a more agile, high-performing API. This change will ensure a more consistent and robust user experience. Users will retain access to all reports but will see some design and content changes.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.

[How this will affect your organization:]

These changes will apply to both default report pages and metric reports:

  • The New hire onboarding report focuses on a specific group in the organization (new hires). It will adhere to current standards by displaying data only when the number of new hires meets the minimum group size requirement.
  • Specific rounding rules are applied to time-based metrics to make trends more meaningful and significant. For durations under 1 hour, rounding is to the nearest 15 minutes. For durations over 1 hour, rounding is to the nearest 30 minutes.

Change to metric reports only:

  • Metric reports will be enhanced to provide a four-week average, aligning with default report time frames. As a result, peer benchmarks, Last week’s snapshot, Inspiration library articles, and Recommended actions will no longer be accessible in the metric reports.
  • The home page cards for metric reports will be updated to compare metrics to the previous week instead of peer organizations.

Updated metric reports:


This change will be on by default.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

Review and assess the impact on your organization. We have updated the documentation: Use Leader reports to uncover key business outcomes | Microsoft Learn

Also, you may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation.

Source: Microsoft

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  1. Mike Rosoft

    The upcoming update to Microsoft Viva Insights is like giving your organization a fresh coat of paint – it’s all about enhancing reliability and performance to ensure a smoother user experience. For admins, this means a more agile and high-performing API, which translates to better efficiency in managing reports and metrics. Users, on the other hand, will see some design and content changes, but fear not, all reports will still be accessible.

    In terms of criticality, this update is like upgrading from a flip phone to a smartphone – it’s important, but not life or death. The changes will impact both admins and users, but with a bit of adaptation, everyone will be cruising smoothly in no time.

    For admins, the impact will be felt in managing default report pages and metric reports. The “New hire onboarding” report will focus on new hires, with specific data display standards. Time-based metrics will now have rounding rules to make trends more meaningful – think of it as giving your data a makeover.

    Users will notice enhancements in metric reports, like a four-week average and updated home page cards. Peer benchmarks and other features will be replaced, but hey, change is the spice of life, right?

    To prepare for this update, review the documentation provided by Microsoft and assess how it will affect your organization. And don’t forget to spread the word to your users and update any relevant documentation – communication is key!

    So, get ready to embrace the change, adapt like a chameleon, and soon you’ll be navigating the new and improved Microsoft Viva Insights like a pro!

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