
Microsoft Viva Engage: Community settings for Community Resources and Files tab [MC917752]

Message ID: MC917752

Coming soon in Microsoft Viva Engage Communities: Community settings for the Community Resources module and the Files tab.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-November 2024.

[How this will affect your organization:]

After this rollout, community admins will have the ability to enable or disable the Community Resources module and the Files tab in community settings. Two new toggles on the Settings page will allow admins to control the visibility of these features.

By default, both the module and the tab are turned on, making them visible to members. Admins can easily hide them by switching off the corresponding toggles. These changes can be made at any time without affecting existing data, giving admins more flexibility to tailor the community experience based on the relevance of these features.

Before this rollout: The settings did not exist, so community admins did not have the ability to hide or unhide Community Resources and the Files tab in Viva Engage Communities.

The new toggles are off by default.

To access the Community settings page, go to a community page and select Settings from the three-dot menu in the top right:


The Community settings page will have two new toggles to hide/unhide the Community Resources module and the Files tab:


[What you need to do to prepare:]

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified date with no admin action required before the rollout. Review your current configuration to determine the impact for your organization. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation.

Learn more: Manage a community in Viva Engage – Microsoft Support (will be updated before rollout)

Source: Microsoft

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  1. Mike Rosoft

    The upcoming update in Microsoft Viva Engage Communities is going to bring some exciting changes for admins and users alike! With the introduction of community settings for the Community Resources module and the Files tab, admins will now have more control over the visibility of these features within their communities.

    Admins will be able to enable or disable the Community Resources module and the Files tab with just a toggle switch, giving them the power to customize the community experience based on their needs. This flexibility means admins can adapt the community settings to better suit the preferences and requirements of their organization.

    For users, this update means a potentially more streamlined and tailored experience within the community. By allowing admins to control the visibility of certain features, users may see a more focused and relevant set of resources and files when they engage with the community.

    Overall, the impact of these changes will likely be positive, offering admins greater flexibility and users a more personalized experience. So, get ready to explore the new community settings, and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below! Let’s start a conversation about how these changes could benefit your organization.

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