Message ID: MC923413
We are making changes to system generated emails from SharePoint workflows and alerts display names. Note: this is a continuation of MC711021 (January ’24).
To align system generated emails with best practices, SharePoint Online workflow and alert emails will be displayed as “SharePoint Online”. There is no change to the underlying sending email address, [email protected].
If your organization uses the “Send email notifications from your domain” feature, the email address will comply with your configured domain.
[When this will happen:]
We are continuing the rollout and expect complete by late November 2024.
[How this will affect your organization:]
If your users have Outlook rules or other processes surrounding the email display name only, those will need to be updated accordingly. Existing policies and rules utilizing the email address will not be affected.
Additionally, if you’re calling the “SendEmail” API or calling SharePoint workflow or alert services via CSOM or REST API’s those emails will follow the new display convention as well.
[What you need to do to prepare:]
Inform users of the potential change in their workflow and alert processes from SharePoint.
Source: Microsoft
The upcoming update where system-generated emails from SharePoint workflows and alerts will display as “SharePoint Online” is set to bring a touch of consistency and clarity to your inbox! Imagine opening your email and seeing “SharePoint Online” as the sender – it’s like a little digital high-five reminding you of all the productivity happening behind the scenes.
For admins, this change means a bit of housekeeping to update any Outlook rules or processes tied to email display names. But hey, a little spring cleaning never hurt anyone, right? Your existing policies and rules linked to the email address will remain unaffected, so it’s just a matter of a few tweaks here and there.
As for users, a heads-up about this tweak in their workflow and alert processes will keep everyone in the loop. It’s like a friendly nudge to let them know that the trusty “SharePoint Online” is here to keep things running smoothly.
So, get ready to welcome the new sender display name with open arms! Share your thoughts below on how you think this change will impact your workflow or if you have any tips to share with fellow users. Let’s keep the conversation going!
Can we use this [email protected] as a new connector.
I am creating an alert for the system to send me the mail (even if it is from sharepoint online, that is fine) whenever an item is added to my sharepoint list.
I am unable to use this (_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail ) as it is showing bad request.
If yes, I can use it then provide me a solution for this problem.
means a lot.
Power Automate: Update the API to Utilize the Outlook Connector (“Send an email”)
Power Automate provides a seamless way to automate workflows between your favorite apps and services. With the retirement of the SharePoint SendEmail API, you can use the Outlook connector’s “Send an email” action to send emails within your automated workflows. Here’s how you can do it:
– Create a Flow: Start by creating a new flow in Power Automate.
– Add the Outlook Connector: Use the “Send an email” action from the Outlook connector. This action allows you to send emails from your Outlook account.
– Configure the Email: Specify the recipient, subject, body, and any attachments for the email. You can also use dynamic content from previous steps in your flow to personalize the email.
– Test and Save: Once configured, test your flow to ensure it works as expected, then save it.
For more detailed steps and examples, you can refer to the Overview of using Outlook and Power Automate.
Custom Code or Workflows: Utilize Microsoft Graph user:SendMail API
For scenarios where you need more control or customization, you can use the Microsoft Graph user:SendMail API. This API allows you to send emails programmatically using Microsoft Graph. Here’s a brief overview of how to use it:
– Authentication: First, authenticate your application with Microsoft Graph. You’ll need to obtain an access token using OAuth 2.0.
– Create the Email: Construct the email message in JSON format. You can specify the recipients, subject, body, and attachments.
– Send the Email: Use the `POST /me/sendMail` or `POST /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/sendMail` endpoint to send the email. Include the access token in the Authorization header and the email message in the request body.
– Handle Responses: The API will return a 202 Accepted response code if the email is successfully queued for sending. Handle any errors or exceptions as needed.
For more detailed information and examples, you can refer to the Microsoft Graph user:SendMail API documentation.
These alternatives ensure that you can continue to send emails from your SharePoint workflows and custom applications even after the retirement of the SharePoint SendEmail API.