Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

Message ID: MC962529

The AI and Copilot Resources Provider that powers the out-of-box (OOB) Microsoft Copilot Academy will be visible by default to users who have Copilot licenses. Admins will be able to enable, disable, and apply permissions to the content of this provider.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 412064.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out in late December 2024 and expect to complete by early January 2025.

[How this will affect your organization:]

If a tenant has at least one Copilot license, Knowledge admins or Knowledge managers will be able to view AI and Copilot Resources Provider by default under Admin > Manage providers tab. They can delete and reconfigure as needed.

Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

They can also apply permissions to the content of this provider through Admin >Manage permissions > Provider tab. 

  • By default, providers content is visible to Copilot licensed users.
  • On applying permissions, the content becomes visible to the selected group.
  • On removing permissions, the content returns to the default behavior.

Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

Users with Copilot licenses will be able to see AI and Copilot Resources Provider content under Browse by > Providers tab on the Home page and under Learning Paths in your organization.

Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

Users with Copilot licenses will also be able to search for AI and Copilot Resources content:

Viva Learning: AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility [MC962529]

[What you need to do to prepare:]

This rollout will happen automatically with no admin action required. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

Source: Microsoft

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  1. Mike Rosoft

    The upcoming update regarding the AI and Copilot Resources Provider visibility is set to create quite a buzz for both admins and users alike. With the rollout beginning in late December 2024 and concluding by early January 2025, organizations will see a significant shift in how resources are accessed and managed within the Microsoft ecosystem.

    For admins, the ability to manage visibility and permissions for the AI and Copilot Resources Provider will streamline their workflow. By default, this content will be visible to all users with Copilot licenses, making it easier for knowledge admins and managers to oversee resource distribution. The flexibility to enable, disable, or reconfigure access means that admins can tailor the content to meet the specific needs of their organization. It’s a bit like being a DJ at a party—playing the right tracks for the right audience can make all the difference!

    On the user side, licensed users will benefit from easy access to a wealth of AI and Copilot resources. With the content being readily available under the “Browse by > Providers” tab and integrated into learning paths, users can dive into a treasure trove of information that can enhance their skills and productivity. The ability to search for relevant content will save time and effort, allowing users to focus on what truly matters—getting the job done with flair!

    Overall, the changes are poised to make a notable impact by promoting a culture of learning and resource accessibility. It’s like upgrading from a flip phone to the latest smartphone—everything becomes more intuitive and interconnected. As we gear up for this rollout, it’s a good time to reflect on how these updates can benefit your organization.

    What are your thoughts on this update? Do you foresee any challenges or exciting opportunities arising from it? Feel free to share your insights and let’s get the conversation going! For more information and updates, don’t forget to check out other posts on

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