CAPTCHA Verification for Anonymous Meeting Participants [MC875061]

CAPTCHA Verification for Anonymous Meeting Participants [MC875061]

Microsoft Teams tenants will soon be able to enable verification for anonymous meeting participants via CAPTCHA. This release of CAPTCHA Verification for Anonymous Meeting Participants will be rolling out across Microsoft Teams Desktop, Mobile and Web and will provide additional security against malicious bot and third-party app joins. 
[Reminder] Microsoft Team: Review and update Tenant Federation setting to block external access with trial-only tenants [MC870997]

[Reminder] Microsoft Team: Review and update Tenant Federation setting to block external access with trial-only tenants [MC870997]

Teams PowerShell now supports the new Tenant Federation setting -ExternalAccessWithTrialTenants with the values Allowed or Blocked. When set to Blocked, all external access with users from Teams subscriptions that contain only trial licenses will be blocked.
Microsoft Teams: External presenters can join on mobile [MC862236]

Microsoft Teams: External presenters can join on mobile [MC862236]

In Microsoft Teams, town halls and webinars currently support the ability for an external user outside the organization to present in an event only through the Teams desktop. With this update, external presenters will have the option to join the event through the Teams mobile app on their Android or iOS devices.