Microsoft Project for web: Roadmap admin toggle | Microsoft Planner: New Portfolios feature [MC910987]

Microsoft Project for web: Roadmap admin toggle | Microsoft Planner: New Portfolios feature [MC910987]

Coming soon for Microsoft Planner customers with Premium Planner licenses (P3 and P5): Users will be able to create Portfolios in Planner, which will have a list of plans and an associated Roadmap, giving Planner users an upgraded experience compared to the Roadmap in Microsoft Project for the web.
The new Microsoft Planner for the web [MC887371]

The new Microsoft Planner for the web [MC887371]

The new Microsoft Planner for the web ( brings together the simplicity of Microsoft To Do, the collaboration of Planner, the power of Microsoft Project, and the intelligence of Copilot for Microsoft 365 into a simple, scalable solution that spans individual task management to professional project management.