Microsoft SharePoint: Enhanced functionality to manage SharePoint Embedded containers in SharePoint admin center [MC939926]

Microsoft SharePoint: Enhanced functionality to manage SharePoint Embedded containers in SharePoint admin center [MC939926]

Message ID: MC939926 Microsoft SharePoint Embedded is an API-only solution empowering app developers to leverage Microsoft 365's file and document storage to create line-of-business or multitenant applications. Microsoft Loop is an example of SharePoint Embedded application. Organizations who are using…
Microsoft Viva Amplify and Microsoft SharePoint: New required footers will be automatically applied to email [MC933529]

Microsoft Viva Amplify and Microsoft SharePoint: New required footers will be automatically applied to email [MC933529]

Message ID: MC933529 Email sent from Microsoft Viva Amplify and from Microsoft SharePoint when SharePoint News posts are shared will contain a new required footer. Effective immediately, we will add this footer to all email sent from these products. [When…