Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Enhanced external recipient determinations [MC946793]

Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Enhanced external recipient determinations [MC946793]

Message ID: MC946793 The ability to distinguish between internal and external recipients is crucial for maintaining secure and efficient communication. This update will improve offline accuracy and overall performance of the External Recipients MailTips feature on Microsoft Outlook for iOS…
Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Minimize the compose window to multitask in the Outlook app [MC946791]

Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Minimize the compose window to multitask in the Outlook app [MC946791]

Message ID: MC946791 Coming soon for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Minimize draft emails and quickly access them again from the message list or calendar view. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 470304.[When this will happen:]…
Microsoft Outlook: Move emails between accounts (new Outlook for Windows and Outlook for the web) [MC943640]

Microsoft Outlook: Move emails between accounts (new Outlook for Windows and Outlook for the web) [MC943640]

Message ID: MC943640 Coming soon to Microsoft Outlook: Users can move emails between their new Outlook for Windows and Outlook for the web, streamlining organization and productivity. For enterprise users, this feature is controlled by the Set-OWAMailboxPolicy policy managed by…
Microsoft Viva Engage: Additional permissions added to the corporate communicator role [MC943573]

Microsoft Viva Engage: Additional permissions added to the corporate communicator role [MC943573]

Message ID: MC943573 Coming soon to Microsoft Viva: Corporate communicators will be able to perform these following communication management tasks without relying on the IT admin (network admin): Mark public and private communities as official. Learn more: Designate an official…
Microsoft Viva: Microsoft 365 Copilot now available to Viva Insights analysts [MC943558]

Microsoft Viva: Microsoft 365 Copilot now available to Viva Insights analysts [MC943558]

Message ID: MC943558 Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Viva Insights simplifies the query-building process for analysts by recommending templates, metrics, filters, and attributes relevant to their analysis. After this rollout, analysts can view and build their reports more efficiently using Copilot’s…
Microsoft SharePoint: Enhanced functionality to manage SharePoint Embedded containers in SharePoint admin center [MC939926]

Microsoft SharePoint: Enhanced functionality to manage SharePoint Embedded containers in SharePoint admin center [MC939926]

Message ID: MC939926 Microsoft SharePoint Embedded is an API-only solution empowering app developers to leverage Microsoft 365's file and document storage to create line-of-business or multitenant applications. Microsoft Loop is an example of SharePoint Embedded application. Organizations who are using…