Microsoft Viva: Introducing custom fonts for Viva Connections Desktop [MC876286]

Microsoft Viva: Introducing custom fonts for Viva Connections Desktop [MC876286]

The new Microsoft SharePoint brand center is now available in Preview and will soon be GA. The new SharePoint brand center includes custom fonts to express your organization's brand and creative expression in your Viva Connections Desktop experiences. Once the SharePoint brand center has been enabled in your organization, you will unlock the power of custom fonts within SharePoint and Viva Connections.
Microsoft Viva Connections: Manage your organization’s brand in the new Brand center [MC876287]

Microsoft Viva Connections: Manage your organization’s brand in the new Brand center [MC876287]

Our new SharePoint brand center will create a centralized branding management application that will empower your brand managers or designated users to empower site owners to create and manage the brand assets needed to customize SharePoint and Viva Connections